
Preventive Medicine Foundation

民國 105 年 04 月 15 日


本會協助臺北市政府辦理「臺北市新生兒危急型先天心臟病篩檢推廣計畫」的篩檢成果已共同發表於 2016 年 04 月 13 日之 PLOS ONE 國際期刊。


本會蕭廣仁執行長 ( Hsiao KJ ) 為本文通訊作者。

專案經理蕭郁詩 ( Shiau YS ) 與執行秘書蔣思慧 ( Chiang SH )為本文共同第一作者及第二作者。


Tsao PC, Shiau YS, Chiang SH, Ho HC, Liu YL, Chung YF, Lin LJ, Chen MR, 
Chang JK, Soong WJ, Lin HL, Hwang B, Hsiao KJ.  Development of a Newborn Screening Program for Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) in Taipei.  PLoS One. 2016;11(4):e0153407.   doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153407




Early detection of critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) can significantly reduce morbidity and mortality among newborns. We investigate the feasibility of implementing a community-based newborn CCHD screening program in Taipei.


Twelve birthing facilities in Taipei participated in a trial screening program between October 1, 2013, and March 31, 2014. Newborns underwent pulse oximetry at 24-36 h old, with probes attached to the right hand and one lower limb. Any screening saturation ≥95% in either extremity, with an absolute difference of ≤3% between the right hand and foot, was accepted as a screening pass. A screening result was considered as a fail if the oxygen saturation was <95% at either probe site, on 3 separate occasions, each separated by 30 min or the first result was <95% at either probe site, and any subsequent oxygen saturation measurement was <90%. Public health nurses would follow up all missed or refused cases.


Of the 6,387 live births, 6,296 newborns (coverage rate: 6,296/6,387 = 98.6%) underwent appropriate pulse oximetry screening. Sixteen newborns (0.25%) were reported to have a failed screening result. Five of these screen positive newborns were confirmed with CCHD; two of them were diagnosed solely attributed to the failed screening results. The false-positive rate was 0.18%. Implementing a 6-month screening program for CCHD produced good case detection rate, while using efficient screening and referral systems.


This program was successful in integrating screening, referral and public health tracking systems. The protocol outlined in this report could provide a community-based model for worldwide implementation.



門診查詢網站保健營養 先天代謝異常疾病 認識肝癌 華人基因變異資料庫 新生兒篩檢及確診檢驗品質保證計畫

結核病防治 新生兒聽力篩檢 CRS流行病學調查 新生兒危急型先天心臟病篩檢

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 Copyright: 預防醫學基金會    Updated on : 19 Apr, 2016